
We Turned Luxury Slicers into “Wish-List” Holiday Gift Items

When Berkel approached us, they were well-known leaders in Europe for their attention to detail and pursuit of perfection. In the United States, industry insiders knew Berkel, but a whole new demographic still needed to fall in love with them. To do that, we knew they needed to go beyond being excellent - they needed to be sexy too. Pretty soon Berkel was getting the kind of double takes and attention from the who’s who of the epicurean elite that companies kill for.

The Results: Over 50 media placements including Forbes, Esquire, Gourmet Retailer, Latina, & Gourmet Business, to name a few. 

Other awesome things: Bon Appetit has a Berkel slicer in their sought-after test kitchen, Forbes included THREE Berkel products in their gift guides and Esquire is including Berkel in their special 85th Anniversary issue - 85 best of the last 85 Years.



